Our team is off to a good start in the invention challenge. We have a semi-final design and materials ready to be ordered so hopefully we can start building soon. At the start we had a lot of disagreements on what design to go with, but ultimately we found one we can all agree one. We've started the physics analysis on our designs and are working at a good pace towards building. Our team captain hasn't been here often so the group has been pretty much running without one. The group has had to make the decisions of the captain which has led to some conflict within the group. Other than that the group is functioning and is on the right track.
In terms of life everything is going good right now. I'm working on scholarship essays and pulling through the first semester with pretty good grades. Im working a lot outside of school making a good amount of money and working on things like side hustles and projects. Everything has been going smooth this year with nothing to complain about.